Kevin Meagher Presents Insights via use of a Digital Twin at RE+

We are proud to announce that today, Wednesday the 21st at 1pm, KevinMeagher, our Chief Science Officer, joined by our CEO, Joley Michaelson, will be presenting Microgrid Design and Operational Insights via Use of a Digital Twin.

Digital Twin as a key provision in microgrid deployment provides the ultimate tool to plan, validate, visualize and operate microgrid assets and operations, both off-line and in real-time. In real-time, not only does it validate the physical feasibility of the economic schedules, it also detects, immediately, departures from the microgrid design envelope, including and up to sophisticated cyber-attacks. This presentation will discuss the merits of Digital Twin technology and its practical use.

In the photo - Joley Michaelson, Kevin Meagher, Steve Lopiano, Renee Houston proudly representing The Sun Company!

The Sun Company is a proud member of Emerge Alliance, who allowed us to represent them in this presentation and Monday’s workshop at RE+.

About the EMerge Alliance
The EMerge Alliance is a non-profit open industry association containing commercial, government and academic member organizations developing standards leading to the rapid adoption of hybrid AC/DC microgrids in commercial/industrial and residential buildings, neighborhoods and communities. EMerge standards integrate building and campus infrastructures, power, controls and devices in microgrid platforms to facilitate the hybrid use of AC and DC power. The standards facilitate greater energy resiliency and sustainability while maximizing the potential to use of distributed clean and renewable local energy. Learn more at or for direct support


The Sun Company Earns Recognition as a Public Benefit Corporation


RE+ Microgrid Demonstration at Grid Edge Theater